Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013

Bye, bye 2013

Februar: Fotoshooting mit Petter Northug auf Schloss Prösels

März: Frühling oder Winter?

April: Ostereier-Wettbewerb

Mai: Krokusblüte auf der Seiser Alm

Juni: Wintereinbruch am 24. Juni

Juli: Der erste Seiser Alm Halbmarathon

August: Die Welt der Kräuter mit Hexe Martha

September: Die Herbstshow

Oktober: Kastelruther Spatzenfest

November: Winterwanderung auf den Schlern

Dezember: Krampuslauf in Kastelruth

6 Kommentare:

  1. I completely delighted in understanding it in my noon.

  2. Your Blog is very nice. Wish to see much more like this.

  3. Winter hikes are a magical escape into a serene wonderland. The crisp air, snow-draped landscapes, and the crunch of snow beneath your boots create an enchanting symphony of nature. Embracing the chill, each step feels like a journey into a winter fairy tale.

  4. Hiking in the winter is a wonderful way to escape into a calm wonderland. An entrancing symphony of nature is created by the crisp air, snow-covered landscapes, and the crunch of snow beneath your boots. I can't wait to read more content like to this in the future. I have no doubt that a lot of readers will benefit from this content. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience.

  5. Climbing in the colder time of year is a brilliant method for getting away into a quiet wonderland. A spellbinding orchestra of nature is made by the fresh air, snow-covered scenes, and the smash of snow underneath your boots. I can hardly stand by to peruse more happy like to this later on. I have presumably that a ton of perusers will profit from this substance. I value you sharing your insight and experience

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